The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29685   Message #378399
Posted By: Jimmy C
20-Jan-01 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: Hungerstrike commemerations...
Subject: RE: Hungerstrike commemerations...
I did not want to get into this as my emotions run wild on issues like this. A few statements regarding the hunger strike deaths, I was deeply saddened when those men died, sorry for their families, sorry for Ireland but more sorry because the republican movement had less men. I admire the stand they made, having an ancestor apparently die the same way many years ago. Some of the above responses are all about democracy etc, etc. Many seem to forget that democracy was never practiced in Ireland, It was not a democratic process when the country was divided against the vast majority of the people. It was not democracy when the catholic majority in Derry city were virtually shut out from all local government positions and housing allotment. Was it democracy at the Belfast shipyards when 40% of the people accounted for only about 8% of the jobs (lower paying ones at that) ?. What happened to civil rights when the large "Ormo" Bakery had a banner across their main doorway that read" No Catholics Hired Here" or words to that effect. All this while the Westminster Government stood by in silence.

Now many people above state that they abhor violence, we all do or should, but the fact remains that the British stood by and watched a protestant state for a protestant people be set up and governed for years by a bunch of anti-catholic bigots. When a past Premier of N.Ireland (Basil Brooke) stated that he would not employ a catholic nor " have one about his place" our so called parent government in Westminster again remained silent.

I left Ireland 3 years before the trouble started, because I could not see myself bringing my children up to be treated as 2nd class citizens like I and my brothers were. There was vast denial of basic civil rights for 50 years and the British Authorities did nothing about it, and that my friends is the truth.

This would not have been allowed to happen in Swansea, London, Glasgow, Birmingham or anywhere else, but it was ok for Ireland. That is why we have the troubles, even the meekest form of life will turn angry if pushed enough.

And I believe that because international images suffer, thanks to television and radio, when news can be sent across the world in a matter of minutes instead of days, they would still not do anything about it.

I truly pray that the peace process gets back on track and a solution is found for the citizens there to live a normal life, although I also believe that when these Unionists democrats who talk about the "VAST MAJORITY" (which is not as vast as they think) when this "VAST MAJORITY" become a minority they will not bow to democracy and abide by the will of the people for a united country. They will instead bring out their guns and bombs again, probably with some secret british backing to fight to remain British.

I also believe the I.R.A. should guarantee that their guns will not be used to break the peace. However all must realize that sooner or later those guns are going to be needed to ensure "DEMOCRACY" and needed in the not too distant future,

The vast majoity that is mentioned many times on the T.V. and in the newspapers does not exist. I would be surprised if the loyalist made up more tha 55% if the total population today. They are not a vast majority in Derry, Armagh, Tyrone or Fermanagh. -- They are the majority in Antrim and Down due mainly to the population of Belfast, but it is definitely not a vast majority.

Like it or not, the nationalist will be the majority within a generation or two. When the flag of a united Ireland is flying all over Ulster and over Stormont and Belfast City hall then will the sacrificies of the republican dead and all the hunger strikers thoroughout the ages be remembered and never forgotten.

Lets all hope and pray for peace in Ireland and throughout the world..