The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159633   Message #3784282
Posted By: Steve Shaw
08-Apr-16 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Triage, or 'where am I'
Subject: RE: BS: Triage, or 'where am I'
What you may see as fixed positions being stated along with hands clasped over ears may not be quite as clear-cut as you think. It could be that you are, in a way, doing the same thing yourself by not looking a little deeper. I admit freely to having a settled position on God and religion. Not so much so on politics, a moveable feast if ever there was one, and history, on which my knowledge is shaky. I'm way too slow on the uptake face-to-face in argument, but I'm in my element here because I can express myself in a measured manner and revise my posts before sending, which can be hours after someone or other has got my gander up. But I'm probing all the time and trying to find out what makes other people tick (in one or two cases, it pushes patience to the limit). There's more to everything here than meets the eye. Sticking around here is seriously nerdish, but it's intriguing nonetheless.