The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159665   Message #3784443
Posted By: Raggytash
09-Apr-16 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
Subject: RE: BS: Whiskey - explain this ???
40 years ago I'd just passed my driving test and took my girlfriend of the time to the Isle of Syke.

One night in a pub I thought I try the indigenous whisky, Talisker.

I tried the 10 year old, 12 year old, 15 year old, 18 year old and thought bugger it they had a 25 and a 50 year old. Might as well do the whole caboodle. The 25 year old was harsh to say the least.

An old boy sitting at the bar told me to add a tad of water. Me, in my youthful naivety baulked at this idea, the only thing you add to Malt whisky to my mind, was another measure of the same.

However I took his sound advice and always add a drop of water to my Malts and I've never regretted it.

I did try the 50 year old (£3 a shot in 1974) .......... didn't enjoy it very much, but you HAVE to try these things.