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Thread #159652   Message #3785378
Posted By: keberoxu
14-Apr-16 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: TRUMP [was: 'he's in the way of ME']
Subject: RE: BS: 'he's in the way of ME'
The Michael Lutin quotes on Hillary Clinton still hold current even though they come from dispatches some time back. The following quotes, however, are from his latest release.

[copyright Michael Lutin 2016]
Hillary Clinton:....this year, Chiron and the south node of the moon are in her solar fifth house:
She's got deeper emotional vulnerability which you'll never know about,
mainly because when there's a job to be done or a mortal crisis,
Scorpios privately clutch their wounds and carry on.
But don't be fooled: it's business as usual.
She can get pretty scary when Saturn and Pluto kick in.
Then she can smile for the birdie, while at the back of her head,
she's making an indelible list of who's been nice and who's been naughty. [endquote]

There is one other candidate under the Michael Lutin spotlight now.
Ted Cruz: December 22, 1970
Here's something many people don't know: he's actually a pretty creative and sexy guy, especially where nobody can prove it.
In a moment of pure soul, he might go to a party and run around in a toga with nothing underneath.
Go easy on Ted, though, if he's a little spooked about spending money, especially his own.
He's got a case of starvation anxiety that's absolutely genetic. Capricorns are famous for expecting nuclear winter, drought, and famine. So although they don't usually have a great time in high school, they save their money, so that later in life they are the people you go to when society collapses.
He has conflict about his background: he can haul out the native dress when it suits him, but is easily embarrassed about family.
The present retrogrades of Mars and Saturn gives all the manic liberals their chance to sneak around behind him.
But: As a Capricorn, he's remarkably (and to some, unbearably) persistent.
Jupiter approaching the top of Cruz's solar astrological chart always denotes a major career opportunity. So Cruz doesn't have to go home anytime soon. [endquote, copyrighted]