The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158570   Message #3786978
Posted By: Senoufou
24-Apr-16 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where have all the bunnies gone?
Subject: RE: BS: Where have all the bunnies gone?
I had a colleague who went shooting every weekend, and brought me his surplus game free of charge. I must have skinned and jointed dozens of rabbits, and plucked and drawn many pigeons and even pheasants. Absolutely delicious, and my cats loved to share it too. But I wonder how many folk nowadays could prepare game like that? I bet some of the younger people would pull a face and not know how to do it.

The prize at the Christmas Village Bingo used to be a brace of pheasants (always a male and a female, tied at the neck with string) I only once won it, and they were gorgeous.