The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3787843
Posted By: Richard Bridge
29-Apr-16 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
The assertions of antisemitism (in the usual meanings of the word) in the Labour party are conjurations. The criticisms of Naz Shah and Ken Livingstone are part of a concerted attempt by two interest groups to undermine the Labour party (with the local elections coming), to undermine Jeremy Corbyn (who seeks to defend the Palestinians from Zionist oppression) and to weaponise the assertion that criticism of Israel and its vile government and its murderous armed forces are antisemitic. One such group is the Zionists, and the other is the bitterites, who would rather see Labour lose an election than accept that the Labour has roundly rejected con-servative lite policies such as those of Tony B.Liar.

There have been attempts since at least 2005 to insert criticism of Israel into conventional definitions of antisemitism.

The Naz Shah meme most complained of was a witty rejoinder to the fact that the USA (terrified of its Jewish lobby) used war debt to bully the UK into capitulating to Zionist terrorism in 1948, and has at least recently been subsidising the Israeli military (and thus the US weapons manufacturing sector) with vast sums of money. Israel has nuclear weapons modern warplanes and white phosphorus. Palestine in general and Gaza in particular have none. The Israeli forces kill about 160 Palestinians for every Israeli killed by Palestinians. Some of the people the Israeli armed forces summarily execute are children with their hands tied behind their backs.

Ken Livingstone was and remains historically accurate - and the quite remarkable thing is that the loathsome Netanyahu made exactly the same point about the Haaretz agreement.

Another fascinating thing is that the hasbara have also claimed the scalp of a young aide appointed by Sanders to improve his Jewish vote.

Mann is a loathsome traitor to the Labour cause, and the deliberate trap complete with film crew that he laid should see him expelled from the Labour party.