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Thread #159827   Message #3787907
Posted By: DMcG
30-Apr-16 - 06:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Mann is a loathsome traitor to the Labour cause, and the deliberate trap complete with film crew that he laid should see him expelled from the Labour party.

I noted that when Ken was suspending the charge was not directly anti-Semitism but 'bringing the party into disrepute', and if that related to a somewhat intemperate row in front of the media, Mann is every bit as guilty.

Like Richard, I was pretty convinced what Ken actually said was historically accurate (unlike Mann's comments), so I looked them up and I think his case is solid, providing you interpret wanting the Jews to go to Israel to be supportive of Zionism (and remember the accusers are repeatedly saying that only means "having the right to a self governing state of Israel") But since when has being historically accurate mattered much against emotional appeals?

As to headline question: whither the Labour Party? Much depends on how the May 5th elections turn out. The bitterites will stress every loss of a seat and ignore every win; the Corbynites will do the reverse. That is, politics as normal. It will only differ from this if there is a complete collapse of one side or the other, which isn't very likely.

As an aside, I heard a clever parody of "Benjamin Bowmaneer" at the club last night "I'll tell how the wars began, Anthony Blair-i-o.."
That still has a huge impact on the 'whither Labour' question.