The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3789547
Posted By: Steve Shaw
10-May-16 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
I have said in these threads until I'm blue in the face that I oppose people who want to wipe Israel from the map, kill Jews because they are Jews or move Jews out of Israel. That is a bloody stupid post, Keith, and you know it. In fact, it's a troll post containing defamatory remarks. "Presumably," eh? On what grounds do you "presume" it? To complete the picture, you support a situation in which Arabs are turned into second-class citizens in their own country. You have failed to address any of the points I made. Do you or do you not justify the clear discrimination against Arabs in Israel that is staring you in the face? Did you know that the Israeli national anthem contains only strongly Zionist sentiment with reference to Jews only? Would you like to be an Israeli Arab soldier, singing that anthem, or with others singing it around you, Keith? Do you really understand the regime you so blindly and unconditionally support? It doesn't sound much like it from here.