The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69073   Message #3789629
Posted By: keberoxu
10-May-16 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: Maire Ni Scolai (1909 - 1985) traditional singer
Subject: RE: Maire Ni Scolai (1909 - 1985) traditional singer
This artist's entry, like the others, is written in Irish Gaelic by Diarmuid Breathnach and Máire Ní Mhurchú. What follows is my own clumsy attempt -- with help from a translator program -- to render some of the biographical details in English translation.

[translation quotes]
Not only did Máire Ní Scolaí die without issue, but both of her parents have no surviving issue or surviving relative today.
Information about Michael Scully, the singer's father, comes from the 1911 census and from the singer's birth certificate. The census states that Michael Scully was born in co. Kildare. The birth certificate states that the father had formerly served in the Royal Irish Constabulary as a sergeant. On July 16, 1906 at St. John's parish in Clontarf, Michael Scully married Mary Kavanagh, the daughter of a blacksmith from Delany, co. Wicklow. Máire Ní Scolaí, at birth formally named Mary Anne Gabriel Scully, along with her older brother Michael John Joseph Scully, were born in Dublin; the singer's date of birth is May 24, 1909.

By the time of the 1911 census, another child had been born to the young family, and they had relocated to the native county of the former Mary Kavanagh; they now lived upon the Bellevue Demesne of Delgany, co. Wicklow. On February 26, 1911, Mona Teresa Scully, a little sister, was born there. Michael Scully was receiving some form of support or compensation as a former Constabulary sargeant, and took on additional work to supplement this income: the census describes him as an insurance agent, while his daughter's birth certificate says he was a traveling salesman. There is an additional detail volunteered by Máire N&iacut;e Scolaí during a radio interview, in which she claimed that she had, not one, but two brothers: Michael John Joseph Scully, her older brother, had died while still a small child; and the singer said that she had a brother, Bill, "who seems to have died in South Africa."
[end translation quotes]