The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159890   Message #3789775
Posted By: leeneia
11-May-16 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to be good at conversation
Subject: RE: BS: How to be good at conversation
I listened to the TED talk. It seems to me that the presenter must have a high proportion of self-centered bores in her life, because the conversations she describes are nothing like the entertaining, interesting, meaningful talk I have with my people.

For example, we don't keep our cell phones handy and we don't wrangle over topics, whether politics, global warming or plastic-bag use.

She said one thing that covers almost all the other points: "Be interested in other people."

But can an adult who is not interested in other people actually change? And by the way, how many adults are there who are not interested in other people? From my experience, I'd say "not many".
As a former concert promoter, I noticed the terrible design of the audience seating in that video. Did you notice its extreme rake (steep slant) and the absence of hand rails? It's dangerous.