The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159890   Message #3789795
Posted By: Senoufou
11-May-16 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to be good at conversation
Subject: RE: BS: How to be good at conversation
Ooooh yes, Black belt, it was very interesting wasn't it? Many less developed countries, though coping with poverty, have the inestimable blessing of people having the time to socialise and talk together. Old folk in W Africa are never ever alone, and spend all day nattering in the shade.

I'm insatiably curious, so listening is easy for me. I sat in the doctor's surgery yesterday and listened to a fascinating elderly lady who had actually driven combine harvesters!! Her twin sister had driven the lorry alongside that receives the grain from the combine. Two women who had done amazing things.

I fear for conversation when I see young women glued to their iphone while walking along, oblivious of everything except the little blue screen. In coffee shops too, everybody is isolated 'on the phone'.