The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29685   Message #379046
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
21-Jan-01 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: Hungerstrike commemerations...
Subject: RE: Hungerstrike commemerations...
Larry and Sarah, a couple of things I cannot let pass. "..a deep set undercurrent of anticatholicism .." and "..denominational prejudice hangover in England"
I am 51 years old and have lived here all my life. I have honestly never come across any such feelings in any English person I have ever met. In Glasgow and in Fermanagh (the only Irish county I hve visited), but never in England.
Also I don't believe that even our politicians want to hold on to the 6 Counties, they bring us nothing but pain and crippling drain of resources. The likely bloodbath that would follow a pull out are just too frightening