The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3791323
Posted By: Steve Shaw
20-May-16 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"Anti" means against, opposing. If you are antisemitic you are against Jews because they are Jews. You can't be accidentally opposed to Jews. It's a conscious decision. Yes you can make remarks that sound antisemitic if you're not careful, just like you can make sexist remarks even though you're not wanting to be consciously sexist. It's a hard grind is watching your every word. In my Catholic schoolyard days disparaging language regarding Jews was rife. If I wouldn't give you a sweet I was called a Jew for being tight. If I'd cheated you out of something, I was accused of jewing you. The Catholics who ran the place never corrected us, to their profound discredit. It takes years to readjust your mindset away from stuff like that. My mum is one of the most anti-racist people I know and always has been, but she still talks about "the coloureds." Arguing for a bit more political correctness is fine. Setting draconian linguistic traps for people, just because you want to protect Israel from perfectly valid criticism, is diabolically wicked. If the cap fits, Keith.