The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159967   Message #3791661
Posted By: Richie
23-May-16 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: DTStudy: Molly Bawn (Polly Vaughn)
Subject: RE: DTStudy: Molly Bawn (Polly Vaughn)
TY Joe,

I'll post Jamieson's version from 1806 that was included in Child's 1857 collection but not his Englsih and Scottish Popular Ballads apparently because of Jamieson's remarks about the ballad. If Steve or Brain could list some of the early brodasies and help answer a few of these questions (following) it would be gr8.

For now I'll pose some questions:

1) Is this shooting based on a real-life event? What could it be?

2) When could the event have taken place? What's the approximate date?

3) Does Jamieson's encounter with the ballad pre-date any print versions?

4) What are some analogues? Is she turn a swan in any of them? A fawn?

5) Is this of Irish origin? Why?

6) Fawn or swan- why are they different? When did fawn become substituted? Do fowlers normally shoot swans?

7) Why does she return after death?

8) What is the oldest print version? Collected version?

9) Are the Newfoundland version titled Molly Bawn, that don't have the shooting still part of this ballad or should they be an appendix or a separate ballad?

10) Is the tune's date the date for the text? Is O'Caroline's "Fair-haired Mary" part of the tune family?
