The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124280 Message #3791680
Posted By: GUEST,Susan Knox
23-May-16 - 03:16 PM
Thread Name: Thoughts on Si Kahn's songs
Subject: RE: Thoughts on Si Kahn's songs
I saw Si Kahn sing and play Crossing the Border on KPFK radio in British Columbia, Canada i 1974 and had to learn that song, being an American of norhern european decent. Now I am living in Porugal where there is a vast history of immigration and the government is making an effort to help new immigrants integrate. Its a big job especially in these times with few opportunities to work, etc. I sent the lyrics of this song to a friend who is doing a 20 minute spot on the radio about Testimonies of Voluntery and Successful Immigration and Cultural Diversity in Europe.