The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159967   Message #3791850
Posted By: Richie
24-May-16 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: DTStudy: Molly Bawn (Polly Vaughn)
Subject: RE: DTStudy: Molly Bawn (Polly Vaughn)
Thanks Tradsinger, you collected some great versions at that late date.

I'm posting some broadsides mentioned by Steve Gardham in the Bramble briar thread:

Steve: "Undoubtedly a northern Irish ballad, Molly Bawn, and there are several late 18thc copies in the BL and ITMA."

Belfast garland 1797 in ITMA 'The Youth's Grievance, or the Downfall of Molly Bawn'. 10sts

Damon and Phillis's Garland. BL 11621. c. 5. 49.4 'A Song called Molly Bawn' 7sts

Robertson, Glasgow, 1799. BL 11606. aa. 23. 24.2 'Mally Bann' 12 sts

Bottle & Friend's Garland nd. BL 11621 c. 3. 4.4 'Molly Bawn' 7 double sts.

No imprint. nd National Library of Scotland. 2346 online. An Admired Song called Young Molly Bawn' 6sts.

As with 'Willie Leonard' I'm inclined to think these northern Irish ballads are based on real events, a little romanticised, probably of the mid 18thc.

Robertson's version starts 'Jamie Randall went a hunting'
Andrews of New York actually tiled his version 'Polly Von Luther and Jamie Randall'.

Steve also mentioned: John Moulden "The Printed Ballad in Ireland: A guide 1760-1920 thesis National University of Ireland, 2006.


PS I have a copy of "Polly Von Luther and Jamie Randall," dated 1857 which was printed by Andrews out of NYC. I'll post text later.