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Thread #159967   Message #3792145
Posted By: Richie
25-May-16 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: DTStudy: Molly Bawn (Polly Vaughn)
Subject: Lyr Add: POLLY WAND

This is the full transcription of Polly Wand. The role of the uncle become clear in this version. She meets him at the trial. It's her testimony to her uncle that frees Jemmy. To me her uncle acts like he is acting as a representative on her behalf. Whatever his role, her uncle is at the trial.

"Polly Wand, together with the Beggar girl, and Tom Starboard," Isaiah Thomas Broadside Ballads Project, BIB ID: 284426.

Polly Wand- c. 1810, Boston, MA

Come all you brave shooters that follow the gun,
Beware of your shooting by the setting of the sun,
It was a doleful thing that happen'd of late,
It was Polly Wand whose fortune was great.

As Polly was walking by the setting of the sun,
She stept under a green branch the shower to shun
As he true love was hunting he shot in the dark,
Alas, and alas! Polly Wand was his mark.

And when he came to her and found it was she,
His joints they were weak and his eyes could scarce see,
In his arms he embraced her till he found she was dead
A fountain of tears for his true love he shed.

Then he ran home with his gun in his hand,
Saying daddy dear daddy I have shot Polly Wand,
I shot the fair female the bloom of my life,
For I always intended to make her my wife.

In two or three days after, Polly Wand did appear,
Crying Jemmy, dearest Jemmy, you have nothing to fear,
Stay in your country till your trial comes on,
You shall not be condemned by the laws of the land.

In the height of his trial Polly Wand did appear,
Crying Uncle dear uncle Jemmy Rander must be clear
For I'd my apron about me when he shot me for a swan,
Alas, and alas! it was I, Polly Wand.

There were fourteen of them, all fitting in a row,
Polly Wand in the middle like a mountain of snow,
For I'd my apron about me when he shot me for a swan,
Alas, and alas! it was I, Polly Wand.