The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3792910
Posted By: Steve Shaw
30-May-16 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Both Haaretz and you are wrong (what's new?). Naz Shah, foolishly, suggested that Israel be relocated. She did not suggest that just Jews should be relocated. Now that WOULD have been antisemitic. But the unassailable fact that you and Haaretz are conveniently ignoring is that Israel is about one-quarter Arab. In effect, she was also suggesting that a couple of million Arabs also be relocated, as well as the Jewish contingent. So where does that leave us? Hmmm...

You see, you and Keith just LOVE those rejected EUMC criteria, because they allow you to call critics of Israel antisemitic. You dearly want Israel to be protected from any criticism. So we end up with a situation in which an admittedly rather foolish person making a remark that was about the state of Israel, no mention of Jews, can be called antisemitic. Well the rest of us will just continue to enjoy the pair of you making fools of yourselves in your ignorance and prejudice.