The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3793080
Posted By: Steve Shaw
31-May-16 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
The Israeli Labor Party is not a left-wing party. It is a Zionist organisation that has been in bed with all manner of allies out of expedience, including Likud. It holds strongly to the notion of the Jewish state and is firmly in bed with the US, revelling in the massive military subsidy that the US provides. "Sister party" is pushing it. Its allies in the UK Labour Party are the Labour Friends Of Israel, not the worst of similar bunches but still a powerful pro-Israel lobby group. If you want the views of real leftie Jews, look elsewhere. The Jewish Labour Movement has the following stated aim:

"We view Zionism as the national liberation movement of the Jewish people. Its aim is to promote "a secure, progressive, just and successful State of Israel" and believe in a two state solution."

Well that isn't exactly my idea of a left-wing movement. Lefties are Internationalists. I see no mention of Israeli Arabs, or the Palestinians, in those aims, and the mention of the now-impossible two-state solution, thanks to land thefts and settlement building, is just a piece of cynical lip-service.

And I note that you continue to adhere to the dishonest partial quoting of what Jackie Walker said. I've already explained to you why it was no slur and not antisemitic.