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Thread #159827   Message #3793427
Posted By: Jim Carroll
02-Jun-16 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"Lots of Labour members and its NEC say there is a problem,"
Who and on what basis - you seem to have in in on how"lots people and the N.E.C. is thinking" or is that just what, you from your political stance, would have us believe.
How do youknow what "lots of people" are thinking - the N.EC.C. appears to have exonerated the Party of having an Antisemitism problem.
The BBC has said there's a problem - but the B.B.. has admitted being in Israel's pocket.
All the Lebour links, (and the rest) you have provided are traceable back to the Israeli propaganda collosus.
Where is your eveidense for any of this nonsense?
Once again, you refuse even to acknowledge the terrifying direction Israel is now taking, its betrayal of the Jewish People, its War criminality, the fact that an extremist right-wing Middle Easter country with nuclear capability is disparaging Jewish critics, destabalising the Middle East and threatening the lives and well-being of yours, mine and the rest of humanities well-being.
You are not the slightest bit interested in Antisemitism or the Jewish Peole, you vote has always gone to teh extremist Israeli candidate and your dishonesty in doing so has been the main feature of your support for that regime.
Where's your evidence that there is a problem withi the Labour party apart from your Israeli propaganda