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Thread #159827   Message #3793439
Posted By: Jim Carroll
02-Jun-16 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"So all our media is now in Zionist hands and nothing can be believed."
You've seen the BBC statement Keith - yet refuse to even commencement on it.
One thingls for certain; Israel would not be spending the billions it is on propaganda if it wasn't giving them a return.
You haven't linked us to "all our media" - just the ones who make your case and all directly traceable back to one form of pro-Israeli organisation or other.
You always do this - come in with a set agenda then scrabble around for cut-'n-pastes to back it up.
I've given you examples of some of your 'evidence's' links to Israel - no comment.
I've given you direct links to Israel's now out-of-hand behaviour - no comment.
I've shown you how much is being spent on propaganda - no comment.
I've given you the Labour Party's historical position on Antisemitism - no comment.
You started his thread as if you were actually interested in the situation - you aren't - you never have been, not in the case against Israel, not in The Jewish People, certainly not in the truth of the matter.
If there is a major problem in the labour party - what exactly is it - not what 'the friends of Israel' think - what do you think and more to the point, what do you actually know?
You've already been caught out telling porkies about the NEC
You have yet to tell us who exatly are these "lots of people"
You find the truth by using your own common sense on the facts we can rely on.
Logic tells me that, as there is a long running battle going on between Left and Right in the Labour Party, while, at the same time, Israel is desperately trying to dig itself out of the massive hole it is digging for itself in the Middle East and as Israel is in the hands of a ruthlessly inhuman regime who are behaving like crooked despots, what with him cooking the books and his wife drinking herself into oblivion and treating the hired help as personal slaves, then perhaps we can't believe everything claimed by a press that is pretty much going along with this nasty little bunch of very dangerous despots.
You want to convince us of your arguments then put some up that don't leak like a Liverpool supporter who had just downed twenty pints.
Where is your evidence and where is your common sense?
Why should a political party who, for all its flaws, has sttod up for The Jewish and the Islamic and the blacks and the poor.... and all the people your lot has traditionally stamped on.... why should they, overnight have turned into a bunch of Antisemites?
I could easily have believed it of your party - that has been their raison detre throughout their history.
God knows, I'm no 'New Labour' supporter, but I can recogognise a fit-up when I see one - your role as a serial Israeli atrocity denier only confirms my suspicions.
Your turn now - call me a liar, you usually do.
Jim Carroll