The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3793678
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Jun-16 - 02:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"I have mostly used BBC, The Independent and Guardian"
The BBC had admitted that it is heavily biased towards pro-Israeli police - the quotes you have given come from right wing Labour party people who have links to pro Israeli organisations, such as Jim Murphy.
The same goes for the rest of the press.
There is a battle going on at present over control of the Labour Party and Anti-Semitism is as good a stick to use in that battle as any.
There is a billion dollar campaign going on at present to make all critics of Israel Anti-Semites - One Israeli minister has openly made this accusation.
"Shami Chakrabarti,"
Who says Shami Chakrabarti, is "worried?
The Labour Party has been accused of Anti-Semitism - it is only right that this accusation should be investigated and one of the first things to be examined is whether these accusations have any grounding in fact.
So far, two examinations, including the Oxford one, have found Labour not guilty, future enquiries may find the same.
You already have the accused out of his cell and the rope over the branch ready for the lynching - hopefully people like you will not be let a million miles within any fair-minded enquiry.
The Conservative Party is holding an enquiry into possible Islamophobia within its ranks (not before time) - should we all get out our ropes now or should we wait for the verdict.
The Tory party is not only infested with Islamophobia, but much of its policies are based on accusing the Muslim communities of being infiltrated by terrorists – you have made such accusations yourself, without evidence.
You have led campaigns against the Islam religion on this forum – Bobad is now making postings attacking Muslim countries on this thread, as he has regularly in the past
Where is your concerns for the million law-abiding citizens of Britain (rhetorical question – I know exactly where it is?)
Anti-immigration, and anti-refugeeism is rife in Britain and has created a new political party in Britain, started by a beer-swilling Donald Trump sound-alike.
I once claimed that, based on my experience of living in three major cities, I believe Britain to be a deeply racist country – you leapt on your chair and accused me of being a racist for doing so.
It transpires that a survey suggests that one in three of the British population admit to being racist - beats the tiny number of Labourites who have chosen their words badly and might – just might - hold Anti-Semitic views into a cocked hat.


The Israeli shit-machine spends billions claiming that all criticism of Israeli policy is Anti-Semitic – you are first in the field with your banner flying to support them.
Where is your outrage for the millions of who suffer Anti-Muslim abuse daily?
Where is your outrage for the many millions on non-indigenous citizens of Britain who experience prejudice on a daily basis, both from the ordinary people of Britain and from its institutions?
Where was your thread when Britain's police force declared itself institutionally racist?
Do you personally have any evidence of Anti Semitism or are you happy to take the word of Pro-Israeli organisations and extreme right-wingers trying to oust the present Labour Leadership (what a stupid question Jim, go into the dunce's corner!!)
Your 'concern' over Anti Semitism isn't based on an interest in humanity, in the welfare of The Jewish people as a whole – your concern is based entirely on your ongoing support of Israeli right-wing terrorism which you claim doesn't exist because politicians don't say it does – not even because they actually speak ot in defence of Israel – the vast majority of them noticeably don't – you bizarrely interpret silence as support.
Do you actually have any evidence that Anti-Semitism is any more a problem in the Labour Party than it is in any other political group or in British society in general – of course you don't, because no such evidence exists.
Do you have any explanation as to why a political party historically dedicated to fighting all forms of racism, particularly Anti Semitism, should overnight do a flip and become Anti Semitic?
You have opened this thread because you have chosen to make yourself part of the current campaign by Israel to absolve itself from crimes against humanity by making such claims "Anti-Semitic.
"Comparing Israel to Nazis is anti-Semitic"
"Accusing the Jewish people as a whole of Israel's crimes against humanity is Anti-Semitic by definition.
You have done so on a regular basis - nobody else here has ever suggested that "The Jews did it", other than you 11.
Leading members of the Israeli establishment are now comparing the actions of the extremist establishment to Pre War Germany - are they "Anti-Semites?
You people have torn up the definition book and accused us of Anti-Semitism - there are no longer any rules as far as I am concerned.
Anybody who accuses the Jewish people of the crimes committed by the right-wing government in Israel is, in my (and the rule book) an Anti-Semite - if you accuse us critics of Israel of being Anti-Semitic, that makes you, by definition, a Jew Hater.
Don't do it again, I really am not happy in the presence of such people - I was alive when Jew haters filled extermination ovens.
Jim Carroll.