The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159633   Message #3794025
Posted By: Donuel
06-Jun-16 - 12:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Triage, or 'where am I'
Subject: RE: BS: Triage, or 'where am I'
I just had a no good very bad terribly horrible dream. President Trump as of Jan. 24 2017 had still not finished establishing his cabinet so he was running executive branch communications mostly via Twitter. Without having named the Secretary of State, Defense or Attorney General embarrassing delays were mounting still a few appointments were made such as;

Lance Armstrong   Ambassador to France
Carl Icahn       Dept. Treasury
Martin Skhreli   Dept. Weights and Measures
Daniel H Mudd    Fannie Mae
Bernard Madoff   SEC
Chris Christy    Ambassador to Bangladesh
Rush Limbaugh    FCC
Steve Wynn       FAA
George Zimmerman HUD
Bob Jones       UN Ambassador      
Wayne La Pierre Education Dept.
Joe Arpaio       Federal Corrections
Ivanka Trump    Chief of Staff
Cliven Bundy    Dept. Interior
David Koch       Minister of Propaganda
James Inhoff    Science advisor

Responding to a segment on the news show 60 minutes, Donald decided to send out a twitter declaring who could get an exception to the Muslim ban. Perhaps owing to enthusiasm Donald included a colored emoticon of an Arab and what he thought was the dome of a Mosque for the Saudi Ambassador.

Despite being new and improved Twitter was never meant for diplomacy. Saudi Arabia forwarded the tweet to every Muslim nation including the picture of Mohammed followed by a steaming dog turd.

After one thing led to another most people called the limited nuclear exchange that cost 29 million lives WW III, other people called it the emoticon war.