I would say you also need to look carefully at Baring Gould's mss. What you get is some versions from oral tradition but mixed in with them are his own writings. Often it is easy to spot his own interpretations as the material is not found elsewhere and you can sometimes spot crossings out where he has been rewriting his own material. Pieces attributed to particular singers are sometimes not clear. It's always worth getting Martin Graebe's advice on which bits are from oral tradition and which bits are Baring Gould's own. Also if you read the documentation on Baring Gould's methods it states that sometimes he didn't bother to note down the words of a song until he got back home and then he was relying on memory of what the singer sang. These I must add are not criticisms. Baring Gould was a pioneer and he had no precedents to show him how to collect material or what to do with it.