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Thread #159827   Message #3794576
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Jun-16 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"If you are right you could produce examples of what you accuse me of."
You accuse others of making this "about me" - now you are diverting this away from the main topic and making it about you.
You opened this thread and contnued it by inferring that there was a serious problem of Antisemitism in the ranks of the Labour Party - there isn't.
What there is is a need to address accusations of Antisemitism made by identified supporters of the Israeli regime
It is dishonest of you not to address that fact - that is distorting the real picture of what is now happening.
You claim that a lot of Labour members are disturbed "Lots of Labour members and its NEC say there is a problem," yet you have ignored requests to substantiate this claim - that is distorting the real picture of what is now happening.
You have thrown your weight fully behind what appears to be a part of the $1B dollar propaganda campaign launched by Israel to make any critisism of its policies 'Antisemitic' - that is distorting the real picture of what is now happening.
To date, a few members have been found to choose their words unwisely in criticising the genocidal policy of the Israeli regime - hardly surprising when the Israeli leaders themselves are in the forefront of identifying their extremist policies with The Jewish People as a whole, even though some of the greatest critics of that policy are Jewish - now disgustingly described as "self--hating Jews - these include Holocaust survivors and their families, ex heads of Mossad, an Army General, part of the Israeli press, groups like Jews for Justice and Rabbis for Justice and leading Jewish intellectuals GOIINNG BACK AS FAR AS Einstein and his collegues- all "self-hating Jews".
One Israeli Minister has described any criticism of Israel as ANTISEMITIC
That is terrifying and harks back to the rise on the Nazi regime in Germany.
Yesterday it was claimed that Netanyahu took a MILLION EURO BRIBE from a financier – Israel's current logic is that it is Antisemitic to draw attention to this fact - (virtually admitted by him though he excuses it by saying he used it to win an election)
Israel has succeeded in distorting the term Anti-Semitism to protect itself from human rights and crimes against humanity charges.
In doing to it has put the lives of Jews throughout the world at risk and the fact that it has chosen the British Labour Party as a target threatens our own parliamentary democracy.
You have made yourself part of that campaign and that is unforgivable.
Jim Carroll