The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25469 Message #379504
Posted By: GUEST,Pete Peterson
22-Jan-01 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: O Brother, Where Art Thou
Subject: RE: O Brother, Where Art Thou
Well I loved it. I had to do not just a willing suspension of disbelief but a forced suspension of disbelief on much of the music and a lot of other things. . . Rick F and I could sit next to each other at the theater and growl at frequent intervals. . . if the film is indeed set in MS in 1937, what is Pappy O'Daniel doing in MS and not TX? (and I'm not sure, but isn't that about six years late?) The singing was wonderful, but the banjo styles anachronistic; that three-finger banjo style didn't exist for another ten years or so; reminded me a lot of the early Stanley Bros on Rich-R-Tone and that's 1947. Having said that, SO WHAT?? I had a wonderful time & plan to go see it again & maybe even buy the video.