The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160062   Message #3795272
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Jun-16 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: Queen's 90th
Subject: RE: Queen's 90th
"but we happen to perceive the same phenomenon a bit differently"
Perhaps we're approaching it from different perspectives Mike.
Perhaps if you tried not to trivialise the arguments in an attempt to denigrate them and not have to face them head on it might help a little.
I find myself in the present position of worrying about a much-loved younger sister who, having been all-but-blinded by misadminitered medication, has been put on an unspecified waiting list before anybody can even begin to treat it.
You might describe the fact that I resent extremely wealthy people strutting round in funny hats because one one of them has been there for a long time, as "envy" if you wish - your prerogative.
That type of thing is a stark reality for a large and growing number of people in Britain today.
It's not as if this lot has done very much to deserve the adulation that is expected from us - don't think I'd include having a grandson who struts his stuff in a Nazi Uniform at a drunken rave-up on my C.V.
These people, in general, are a waste of space - the best that can be said of the majority of them is that they are harmless, yet even then, you have to remember that their raisons d'etre is to perpetuate a status quo of inequality and remind us where we feature in the order of things   
A couple of months ago we celebrated the 100th birthday of a dear friend who was born during Easter week, lived through a War of Independence and a Civil War, fought through all her younger days of marriage to keep her family from having to emigrate, worked to maintain a small mountainy farm in boggy and rushy land through most o her life, became an expert in rare breeds of bulls, yet remaines "ordinary" and not particularly well-off.
She is, at 100-plus, an interesting and pleasure-giving joy to be around - we're looking forward to our next visit.
That for me, is well-worth celebrating - beats being pampered an cosseted for 90 years hands down.
Jim Carroll