The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #438   Message #3795595
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
14-Jun-16 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Make Me a Pallet on Your Floor
Subject: RE: Origins: Make Me a Pallet on Your Floor

I saw the thread title and the words/scansion immediately put me in mind of the hymn "Make me a channel of your love". so . . .

Make me a pallet on your floor.
I know you don't want me to share your bed.
At least you didn't kick me out the door.
You've made me feel quite welcome here instead.
        O grant me please that I may never be
        The clinging type that will not let you go-o-o
        I'll hide my feelings, so you cannot see
        That, in secret, how I love you So-o-o.