The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3795848
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Jun-16 - 07:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"BTW Jim, this thread is not about Israel."
Only to those who ignore the efforts Israel is making to divert attention from its atrocities by making all criticism "Antisemitic"
Mind your own business Keith - you started this thread to attack the Labour Party, the consequences of the Pandora's Box you opened are your own.
"No liberal democracy does."
Human Rights organisations and decent people most certainly do - the politicians stay silent - human rights or human decency tend not to be among your strong points.
If they supported Israel's behaviour they would say so.
America, with its own record of crimes against humanity and war crimes are the leaders of what little support Israel actually has - which puts the situation where it is - the war criminals supporting the war criminals.
This is not a thread drift and those who claim it to be are attempting to manipulate it - nothing new there.
Was inclined to make a joke about my "invincibility" but decided against it when I remembered that a sense of humour is not one of your strng points and I have little doubt that you would attempt to use it against me in future.
A strong indication of perceived invincibility is to be found in those who insist in talking down to people, by the way.
Jim Carroll