The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160062   Message #3795931
Posted By: Teribus
15-Jun-16 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: Queen's 90th
Subject: RE: Queen's 90th
Jim Carroll - 15 Jun 16 - 07:51 AM

"High time you remembered yo are addressing people who know as much, if not far more than you"

No idea at all why that sentence above should be in inverted comas - it is not a direct quotation from anyone - Besides as that is directed at me from Carroll then I will grant when it comes to traditional singing he knows a great deal more than me. However, when it comes to anything to do with history, current affairs or the military he is handicapped by prejudice and an astounding lack of knowledge and understanding in comparison to most people on this forum.

"I respond to what people say and how they behave, nothing else"
Jim Carroll

Nine times out of ten you respond to what your prejudice makes you think people said (Example from this thread: The system {Head of State} MGM-Lion was actually talking about and the one you thought he was referring to {General political capitalist system}). You are one of the worst behaved people on this forum, firing off groundless unsubstantiated allegations like a scatter-gun then running for cover when challenged on them. Your trouble is Carroll that you are awfully good a dishing it out but not very good at taking it. You cannot stick to facts because you have no idea what a fact is, so then your default position is personal attack and invention to put words in people's mouths. Examples of you doing precisely these things are plentiful and I can and will provide them if need be - you having been asked to do so on far too many occasions to count and have been able to-date to come up with nothing.