The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159827   Message #3796027
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Jun-16 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
"If you want to discuss the Arab/Israeli conflict Carroll start a thread on it."
Will you mind your own business.
As far as I am concerned, this is about how Israel is interfering in British politics in order to offset its own behavior - if Keith had wished to only include opinions that coincided with his own when he opened this thread, he should have listed what we can and cannot discuss on it - then perhaps the administrators would never have allowed such an obvious piece of agenda-driving propaganda to be put up in the first place.
Sabra Shatila was the greatest single act of mass murder of non-combatants (in this case, 3,500 unarmed men, women and children, all refugees) since the end of World War One.
It was made possible, armed and facilitated by the Israeli Government (that is unquestionable), and was almost certainly ordered by them.
It had nothing to do with warfare - it was the massacre of innocents who were not involved in war - if any act by the Israeli regime can be compared to the Holocaust, this takes pride of place.
It is now, according to Israel's Minister of Justice, Ayelet Shaked, "Antisemitic" to accuse Israel of this crime against humanity - criticism of Israel, according to her "is the same anti-Semitism of blood libels, spreading lies, distorting reality and brainwashing people into hating Israel and the Jews".
If we are discussing Britain''s Labour Party's so-called "Antisemitism" we need to be able to establish exactly what the word means, what exactly The Labour Party is being accused of.
As far as I can see, with a few dubious exeptions, the only accusations so far are against those who have criticised Israel, not the Jewish People.
If that's the case, most of the world is Antisemitic - very few people have openly supported Israeli policy, the self-interested and cowardly have remained silent or have made feeble excuses, but the people who I would choose as spokesmen for my conscience (can't speak for those who have no conscience) have overwhelmingly condemned Israeli actions as mass murder, not just at Sabra Shatila, but in their actions against the Palestinian people as a whole.
Israel stands to become as much a pariah State as was Apartheid South Africa.
You people have no interest in the Jewish People - you have accepted Israel's accusation that Jewish critics of Israel are "self-hating Jews" - that is the level of concern for the Jews.
Keith set out to denigrate, Jewish critics of Sabra Shatila, on-the spot eye-witnesses who "couldn't possible have seen" what they reported.
A "self hating", presumable Israeli soldier who observed the massacre and had a breakdown because of it, gave a testimony which became a prize-winning animated film, 'Waltz With Bashir' - rejected by Keith.
Jews throughout the world have contemned the massacre for what it was - an act of attempted genocide - that was "Antisemitic" according to Ms, Shaked.
History is full of such Jewish "Antisemites" - Einstein and his fellow Jewish intellectuals, Jews for Justice, Rabbis for Justice, the staff of Haaretz, the Holocaust Survivors and their descendants, who signed that massive petition, and the many hundreds of thousands of heroic Jews who have spoken against the destruction of their dream of Israel..... all "Antisemites".
If we can't even discuss this definition we might as well buy the popcorn, take our seats and sit down to enjoy the next massacre because, as sure as the next number 41 bus, there'll be another one along in a minute.
So far, as far as I can see, all these accusations have been generated by 'friends of Israel' and the definition they are using is that now being touted by them - any criticism of Israeli policy is Antisemitic" by its very nature.
If this is the case, the Labour Party have as much of a case to answer as do Bobad's hysterically accused "Antisemitic Jew-Haters" - in other word - there is no case to answer, m'lud.
Never again attempt to censor or manipulate or tell members of this forum what we should or should not be discussing or where we should be discussing it neither of you have a shred of authority here, neither do you have our respect - your persistent and ongoing behaviour has made sure of that.
Jim Carroll