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Thread #160033   Message #3797476
Posted By: Donuel
24-Jun-16 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Logic and the laws of science
Subject: RE: BS: Logic and the laws of science
Steve there is a beyond.

What is beyond logic or valuable scientific method or scientific pondering, is imagination with a denominator of multi sciences.

There is a failure of thought in the real world but there is often a failure to use imagination to its full potential.

My credo over the decades is to exploit a multidisciplinary approach so that Cosmology is expanded to consider Philosophy, Chemistry, telemetry, Telescopic, science fiction, Mathematics, Psychology, Astrophysics and Theoretical science all compared and contrasted with an Imagination that serves to either eliminate certain speculations or establish new insights.

The particle zoo party is over. We reached the limits of picking out the pieces of smashed particles looking beyond quarks.
We are now at the point of using collision physics to measure invisible stuff that disappears.

Taking the next step beyond Sherlock Holmesian rules of detection needs imagination based upon a more omniscient sharing of many disciplines and not just insist one path should be enough.

Surely you will give due credit to Jules Verne, Asimov and our contemporaries whose imagination jump starts real world technology and conceptual possibilities.