The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160165   Message #3797829
Posted By: SPB-Cooperator
26-Jun-16 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Post-Referendum Racism
Subject: RE: BS: Post-Referendum Racism
According to reports from the Cambridge News, a number of cards saying "Leave the EU/No more Polish vermin" in both English and Polish were found outside St Peter's school by teaching assistants and students, including an 11-year-old Polish child, who reported they made him feel "really sad".

Many of the reports of incidents seem to show the mistaken belief that EU citizens living in the UK will be forced to leave the country as a result of the referendum result, with instances reported of a Polish woman being told to get off a bus and "get packing", of a Polish man being told at an airport that he "shouldn't still be here, that we had voted to be rid of people like him", of a Polish coffee shop worker being jeered at and told "you're going home now" and of Polish children at a primary school crying because they were scared of getting deported from Britain.