The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69073   Message #3797839
Posted By: keberoxu
26-Jun-16 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: Maire Ni Scolai (1909 - 1985) traditional singer
Subject: RE: Maire Ni Scolai (1909 - 1985) traditional singer
Oh, brother.

Under Máire Ní Scolaí's direction, the choir -- is this the UCG choir of which Guest Com Seangan posted earlier in this thread -- won prizes at (deep breath)
Feis Cheoil, Aonach Tailteann, Feis Chonnacht, Feis Mhaitiú and Feis Shligigh.

That wretched Translate dot Google dot Com tried to tell me that the translation of "Ghnóthaigh sí féin iomad corn" means "she passed herself too much corn..." .... where is my sense of humor when I need it most!