The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160179   Message #3798119
Posted By: Stanron
28-Jun-16 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Chord Req: To the Beggin' I Will Go
Subject: RE: Chord Req: Chords to 'To the Beggin'I will go '
This is how I remember it. I've not managed to listen to the MIDI of the tune but the chords are what I would use.

T:        A Begging I will go
C:        Trad
M:        6/8
L:        1/8
K:        Am
d[|"Am"e2 e a2 a|"C"g3 e2 c|"G"d2 d g2 f|"Am" e5 a|
w:of| All the trades in Eng-land a begg-ing is the best for |
"Am"a2 e e2 a|"C" g2 e c2 d | e2 d cBA|"G"G A B2 c |
w:When a begg-ar's ti-red he can lay him down*to re-st and a |
"Dm"d3 d d2 e | d2 c A2 e |"G" d2 c A2 G |"Am" A6 |]
w: Begg-ing I will go* and a- begging I will go|