The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160165   Message #3798384
Posted By: Thompson
30-Jun-16 - 04:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Post-Referendum Racism
Subject: RE: BS: Post-Referendum Racism
Senoufou, the accent thing is funny. Many years ago I met a teddibly upper-class type, the type of Irish person who has a British RP accent, and hated him on first hearing. My accent immediately became gratingly Dublin, and his more and more awfully-awfully. After about 20 minutes of talking together, and finding that we had mutual enthusiasms and actually rather liked each other, our accents had practically met in the middle!

By the way, I heard Obama speaking today and saying "if Britain leaves the EU". It seems that the political classes are trying to rescue themselves from a disaster.

The British have obviously taken a lesson from the beating given to Greece when the Greeks voted in an anti-austerity government and went straight in to negotiate; by delaying and delaying, they think themselves likely to get a better deal. This may go against them, but it may not.