The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160165   Message #3798413
Posted By: akenaton
30-Jun-16 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Post-Referendum Racism
Subject: RE: BS: Post-Referendum Racism
"We brits don't want to do it for minimum wages"

I problem is that everyone now expects a life like the one they were promised by the politicians.......a real life with their own house, children a nice car annual holiday etc.

Minimum wages are subsistence wages unless the currency is worth four times its face value in your country of origin......most immigrants are here for economic reasons........I know someone who has been working here for afew years leaving his wife and two children in Poland; from the minimum wage, he has sent home enough to build a new house for his family.........Could any young British couple do that? They lose hope and give up.

The playing field is not level, not even slightly tilted is a fucking cliff face.

We should be training our young people to do real necessary jobs and pay them a decent wage for doing so, even if that means we the comfortable middle class take a hit in the process.

In a Capitalist society soaking the people who produce the wealth is counter will have to be satisfied with the smokescreen of "personal rights" until socialists convince the "Beast of Muddy Brain" where its interests really lie.