The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160165   Message #3798427
Posted By: Senoufou
30-Jun-16 - 09:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Post-Referendum Racism
Subject: RE: BS: Post-Referendum Racism
There you are, punkfolkrocker, these bullies are total wimps underneath. They only target those who can't defend themselves.

I had a wonderful moment in Accra, Ghana. I was there alone, staying at a very nice hotel run by a load of horrible racist white South Africans. The staff were all local Ghanaians. The day I left, a delightful Akan chap drove the hotel minibus to the airport, and on board was a group of these pigs. They started a diatribe about how inferior the 'blecks' were, and how useless and barely evolved, belong in the trees etc. The Akan at the wheel stoically stared at the road ahead. Ghanaians speak English very well, so he understood every word, but didn't want to lose his job. I was at first mortified, then bloody furious. In the end I turned to them and gave them both barrels, I was like a mad woman I was so angry. Funnily enough they cowered in their seats and muttered "Sorry, sorry".
Once we arrived at the Departures terminal they scuttled off like naughty boys, the prats. And the Akan (a lovely round fat chap in traditional robes and a smiley face) gave me a huge hug and a kiss, which I enjoyed very much, as he was rather handsome!! ;)