The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159633   Message #3798483
Posted By: keberoxu
30-Jun-16 - 03:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Triage, or 'where am I'
Subject: RE: BS: Triage, or 'where am I'
"Going Postal" by Terry Pratchett was a recent read for me, and a lot of you know your Discworld and your Pratchett books very well, better than I know them (it was you folks, after all, who introduced me to Pratchett in the first place).

I see a lot of myself in "Moist Von Lipwig." This pleases me very little. It makes me feel like something that crawled out from under a rock. Oh, do squash me altogether and put me out of my misery already.

It is not difficult to connect this to the original post on this thread. A mind that changes, a point of view that changes, with the prevailing wind, is one adaptation to growing up in a household that was a sort of verbal combat zone. It is a non-violent way of coping with something unmanageable. Non-violent it was intended to be, and yet I have done irreversible wrongs because I acted from a place without a moral or ethical center; people have gotten harmed and hurt. This is very hard to breathe through, but I must do.