The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160197 Message #3798711
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
02-Jul-16 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Get Out of the Way!
Subject: Lyr Add: Get Out of the Way!
GET OUT OF THE WAY! Tune — Ole Dan Tucker.
The moon was shining silver bright, The stars with glory crowned the night, High on a limb that "same old Coon" Was singing to himself this tune:
Chorus. Get out of the way, you're all unlucky; Clear the track for Old Kentucky!
Now in a sad predicament The Lokies are for President, They have six horses in the pasture, And don't know which can run the faster: Get out of the way, &c.
The wagon-horse from Pennsylvany, The Dutchmen think he 's best of any; But he must drag in heavy stages, His federal notions and low wages: Get out of the way, &c.
They proudly bring upon the course An old and broken-down war-horse; They shout and sing 'O rumpsey dumsey, Colonel Johnson killed Tecumsey!' Get out of the way, &c.
And here is Cass, though not a dunce, Will run both sides of the track at once; To win the race will all things copy, Be sometimes pig, and sometimes puppy: Get out of the way, &c.
The fiery southern horse Calhoun, Who hates a Fox and fears a Coon, To toe the scratch will not be able, For Matty keeps him in the stable; Get out of the way, &c.
And here is Matty, never idle, A tricky horse that slips his bridle; In forty-four we 'll show him soon The little Fox can't fool the Coon: Get out of the way, &c.
The balkey horse they call John Tyler, We 'll head him soon or burst his boiler; His cursed " grippe" has seized us all, Which Doctor Clay will cure next fall: Get out of the way, &c.
The people's favourite, Henry Clay, Is now the 'Fashion' of the day, And let the track be dry or mucky, We'll stake our pile on Old Kentucky: Get out of the way, he 's swift and lucky, Clear the track for Old Kentucky!
[Littell, John S., The Clay Minstrel, (New York: Greely & M'Elrath, 1844, pp.175-6)]