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Thread #160165   Message #3798865
Posted By: Felipa
03-Jul-16 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Post-Referendum Racism
Subject: RE: BS: Post-Referendum Racism
needs a lot more than safety pins
UK 'hotspots' targeted in bid to calm post-Brexit tension
After reports of racist incidents soar since EU referendum result, groups plan push to calm community tensions [some of the money comes from fund in tribute to Jo Cox]

At least present government doesn't approve of racist and xenophobic attacks. But we do need more of an outcry from those Brexiters who would condemn these acts.

It is all so irrational too -- many of the "non-whites" are of Commonwealth origin and many are even 3rd or 4th generation UK citizens. Their presence has nothing to do with EU. Nor would asylum seekers stop coming to a non-EU UK. The Germans, Poles, Italians etc. who have already worked here for some years would have legally "vested rights" to remain in the UK after a break with the EU. Clearly the eferendum campaigns didnt educate people about immigration, just stirred up fears and reinforced prejudices.

-- or are these just the dangerous lunatic fringe and thugs?

"Polling has found that 84% of the public supports allowing migrants to stay, including 77% of Leave voters and 85% of Conservative supporters.

"Just 16% of voters want EU citizens to be forced to leave after Brexit, the ICM research for the think-tank British Future found."
[actually, I even find 16% alarming]