The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72299   Message #3798909
Posted By: Felipa
03-Jul-16 - 06:27 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Eileanor a Ruin / Eileen Aroon / etc.
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Eileanór a Rúin / Eileen Aroon / etc.
interview with Joe Heaney/Einniú about the song Eileanóir na Rún - (spelling as given on the page) - text and sound clip

oops; I copied Keberoxu's youtube link to make a blue clicky in my previous message but that video isnt available (at least not in UK or not now)
AND I forgot to put a link to one of the recordings of Róisín Elsafty that are on youtube
Róisín Elsafty singing Eleanór a Rún