The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115837 Message #3798931
Posted By: GUEST,Robert Mahon
04-Jul-16 - 12:55 AM
Thread Name: Instruments: The National Musical String Company
Subject: RE: Instruments: The National Musical String Company
I was one of 4 Generations of family members to work there. I was there for the 80th anniversary of N.M.S.Co. I recently was given a copy of a Photo of the head of N.M.S.Co. or Kaman with my family members that worked there.I was making a string called Dimond-Sonic. Strings were put in a Aluminum tube and argon gas was put in ,then the tube was put in an oven for a time and then removed and cooled down with water, after which the strings were removed. I was a spinner. I ran two old machines. Made Bass strings,Violin strings that had green thread on the ball end. After a while I ran the high speed two string machines, ran 2 of them also. That was one of my first jobs, I was only 18.