The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16554 Message #3798932
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
04-Jul-16 - 02:13 AM
Thread Name: Help: What is a bulgine?
Subject: RE: Help: What is a bulgine?
Best to locate the original(s) methinks.
An American circus minstrel's Locomotive Bulgine Lecture had no boundaries of reason or logic. It was nonsense on steroids. Imagine it's the year 2180 and the only thing our progeny have to work with is an unsigned Robin Williams monologue.
The full 'bulgine' routine: stand up comedy skit; song, with lyrics; and the dance; made up about about half the entire show. An 1840-50s minstrel troupe could hardly get on stage without one. Or a least a parody of the other guy's act.
Somewhere I have a reference for a song. Darned if I can remember where or what though. For some reason I'm thinking it was an early Daniel "Dan" Emmett banjo tune, Locomotive Bulgine or Lettin' Off Steam or some variation of "Clear the Track or...