The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29875   Message #379962
Posted By: wysiwyg
22-Jan-01 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: Help: autoharp :-)
Subject: RE: Help: autoharp :-)
Hi AB--

Is your Harp electrified? If so, get the kind where the Harp's cord will plug into the tuner. The thing is, without the pickup cord, it's hard to use the tuner if you have to hold it near the ringing string-- where do you set the tuner while you work? I always find I have to use two hands to tune, and wish I had three. One to ring the string, one to operate the wrench, and one to hold the thing down safely as I turn the peg. So having a tuner that is a help and not a hindrance, especially when you are having to chage a string, which is another feat of ccordination, is important.

If you aren't electric, any chromatic tuner will work fine as long as it sits where you put it, and doesn't skitter all over the place. I don;t have fine tuners-- do you? It may make things much easier.

I find that the kind that tells me what note it is picking up is best, not the kind where where it is expecting certain notes and tells me how far off pitch I am.

I have used several tuners, mine and other people's, and biggest problem seems to be that they all get mixed up about the lowest notes. So I would suggest that you take your Harp with you to the music store to try out several models. No music store worth visiting will mind letting you try them out.

When you get the one you like, put your name one it. They tend to get up and walk away when you jam with strangers, or to get mixed up with someone else's cuz they all look alike!

Is this your first instrument? Will you have people to play with? Have fun and let us know how you do!

BTW, will you be chording or melody picking I chord, tabletop, upside down, electric. I hammer it too.
