The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160232   Message #3799653
Posted By: Stu
10-Jul-16 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pre-Columbian Europeans in US?
Subject: RE: BS: Pre-Columbian Europeans in US?
"and that there is very little evidence in archaeology, of Celts in the main body of England."

The Celts (if you must) are found all over these isles, and the evidence for the existence of Celts in modern England is well supported by the archaeology and by early literature; the Celts (Britons) were still present in Wessex at the time of Alfred and are mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Meanwhile, Celtic artefacts and burials are found everywhere; Lindow Man was a Celt, the Battersea Shield, numerous La Tene Beaker burials... the list goes on.

A look at Sykes' "Blood of the Isles" shows that our ancestors on these islands are predominantly neolithic and probably older, and the genetic traces of Roman, Saxon, Viking etc are small, and they were absorbed into the indigenous population. Culturally however, the influences of Celtic, Saxon and Viking culture gave rise to a unique art form that was practiced all over these islands but is best seen in the illuminated manuscripts such as Lindisfarne.

It's fashionable to give the English a kicking over their lack of cultural heritage, when in fact they have forgotten or ignored their own heritage, especially their Celtic heritage which is still seen in place names, the artifacts in their museums, stories and legends. It would be good if the English could embrace their Celtic heritage more fully and perhaps appreciate the common heritage we all share on these islands.