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Thread #160232   Message #3799739
Posted By: gnu
10-Jul-16 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pre-Columbian Europeans in US?
Subject: RE: BS: Pre-Columbian Europeans in US?
"However, DNA group tests suggest that the pre-Roman inhabitants of England were related more to the Germanic tribes of Europe,..."

I postulate that the Germanic Tribes indeed did invade "Britain", more than once, the most successful being in 1066 (to present), all paid for by the Romans. Many Roman archeological finds have been made in the recent decades in England but MY thought is that these were introduced by the Germanic victors of such invasions as acquired from the Romans, although some may be from a true Roman settlement facilitated by the Germanic Tribes invasion. However, I again postulate that the Romans financed these ventures with gold and goods. To expound on my suspicion would take pages. I have read much over the years but to attempt to actually give a modicum of credence to my "hunch" (which it what it is without far more research) is insurmountable for me as I am a lazy sod.

I have since, more or less, given up that quest and studied the history of the invasion of North America since the mid 1400s as it directly affects me at present... a work in progress and the sheer volume of information available with the advent of the internet is as astounding as it is daunting and terribly unsettling.

I hope that made sense. Kind of difficult to sum up so much in such few words.