The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160232   Message #3799829
Posted By: Donuel
11-Jul-16 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pre-Columbian Europeans in US?
Subject: RE: BS: Pre-Columbian Europeans in US?
Following the Clovis points are great clues. What was tragic was their awful timing. An impact event in Eastern Canada, is what greeted the Europeans as far south as Virginia and challenged their survival in the extreme. It makes me wonder how Yellowstone kept civilization at bay in western north America. It might explain some things about Mesa Verde and the like.

On another minor note , it is my hunch that Neanderthal genes were carried to North America by some of the Europeans that could only be expressed by back breeding or incest in early isolated communities.

roughly speaking
There are tests that can tell you how much Neanderthal you have in your genes. If European, the percentage is above 0. In Africa it is 0.

;-) has anyone noticed that some European women slowly turn into pre Columbian fertility symbols ?