The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160242   Message #3801392
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Jul-16 - 09:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
Subject: RE: BS: Theresa May, failure and hypocrite
"I only heard of sniper rifles from you."
The first mention of sniper rifles to Syria was from you - go and check
I had no idea what the shipment was.
The "only" bit, at the time when snipers were betting cigarettes for anybody who could shoot through a child in arms and hit the mother was is as inexcusable then as it is now - it is a demonstration of how self-proclaimed "Christians" like yourself value the cost of human life - especially when it is to defend the sale of weapons to mass-murderers.
"No arms at all were supplied to Syria by UK."
Depends on what you mean by "arms" - bullets for sniper rifles faclitate the use of arms, armoured cars, tear gas, water cannons and riot control equipment when used against protesting civilians are weapons - all supplied by Britain.
Most disgusting of all, Britain sold chemicals capable of being used to create weapons to a dictator with a reputation for torture and mass murder (revealed when Assad was subjecting Syrians to Chemical attacks); possibly assisting him to build up a massive arsenal of chemical weapons so large that he can legitimately claim that Syria cannot afford to decommission them and is now demanding that those demanding their destruction should pay for it.   
"The 1832 Reform Act was just a figment of my imagination was it?"
No - nor was the fact that workers were being transported for attempting to form Trades Unions, the most intense and controversial seizures of public land were taking place, the right to impress men to serve in wars continued to be in operation until 1853, the rights of enfranchement were still being resisted violently, and the idea that women (around half the population) should have a right to vote would not be considered until the outbreak of World War One.
In rural Britain, during the poaching wars, men were being transported in their thousands for taking game from the newly-enclosed estates and transportation for the most menial of crimes was still commonplace for the most menial of crimes up to 1868.
The farce of what few electoral rights the population of Britain had made the names of novelists of the time, such as Dickens and Thackeray
Democracy my arse.
As far as 1914 Liverpool is concerned, this arose from your attempts to make liars of soldiers like Tommy Kenny who claimed they joined up to avoid the then rampant unel=mploymen, the poor wages and the appalling conditions they were undergoing at the time they enlisted - you had already dismissed what he had said of his experiences in WW1 as "lies", because "soldiers tell lies".
Tommy described in detail the problems he had finding work to help support a family living in appalling conditions.
The main work in Liverpool was on the docks were the humiliating "pen" system was operational - men herded into sheds daily and selected by an overseer - the unfortunate ones sent home and told to come back the following day.
Work elsewhere was scarce and poorly paid, housing conditions were notoriously bad and industrial unrest was rife and met with extreme violence by the authorities 0- even the Liverpool police force came out on strike.
You seem to regard prosperity by how much money is being made by the wealthy, irrespective of how the ordinary people were being forced to survive.
You have proved beyong any doubt by your latest statement of how well-off Britain is today - you stay silent on the massive gap between rich and poor - If the bankers are doing well, then all's well with the world.
Why not try responding to historical and social facts yourself
Jim Carroll
