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Thread #159827   Message #3801852
Posted By: Steve Shaw
24-Jul-16 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Subject: RE: BS: (UK) Whither the Labour Party
Yes, well let me quote you some other snippets, Keith, to show how snippet-picking can be used (abused in your case) to show polar opposites. From the very same report:

Zero tolerance of anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism has no place in the Labour Party and is contrary to everything we stand for. Jeremy introduced a new code of conduct for the party, which states:

"The Labour Party is an anti-racist party, committed to combating and campaigning against all forms of racism….Labour will not tolerate racism in any form inside or outside the party….Any behaviour or use of language which targets or intimidates members of ethnic or religious communities or incites racism, including anti-Semitism…or undermines Labour's ability to campaign against any form of racism, is unacceptable".

"...Many members of the NEC have backgrounds in fighting racism and inequality and are proud of Labour's traditional role in promoting equality and showing moral leadership on these issues. The NEC agreed that it is vital that Labour stands up for our values and our history as the party who fights for human rights and equality."

There now! Looks dead good now, doesn't it, Keith? Cor, who'd have believed it came from the same report that you are cherrypicking to smear Labour! Anyone can extract just the bits to suit their prejudices and that is exactly what you did and exactly what you do all the time. Dishonest, disreputable, busted, can't be trusted. That's you through and through.